TV-Drama in der zweiteiligen TV-Langversion, die hier am Stück läuft.
Erster Weltkrieg, Indischer Ozean: Nach der Zerstörung ihrer "Emden" nahe der Kokosinseln wollen deutsche Marinesoldaten (Sebastian Blomberg, Ken Duken u. a.) auf einem maroden Schoner zur deutschen Kolonie Tsingtau in China segeln. Der Plan scheitert. Nun müssen sie die Wüste entern ...
Der tolle historische Stoff wird zerdehnt erzählt und mit Liebelei (auch dabei: Felicitas Woll) verdünnt.
The film begins at the Imperial German naval station at the Kiautschou Bay concession in China. Two officers of SMS Emden have a romantic rivalry with Maria von Plettenberg, who lives with her father, mother and sister in Tsingtau.
When war is declared the Emden has a variety of successful naval engagements in the Pacific and Indian oceans. Soon after a raiding party is sent ashore to destroy a British wireless installation in the Cocos Islands, Emden engages HMAS Sydney but the vessel is sunk with many of the crew captured. Rather than surrender, the shore party seizes the schooner Ayesha and decides to sail back to the Kiautschou Bay concession to fight again.
When the crew arrives in the neutral Dutch East Indies they hear that the concession has been captured by the Japanese. With their fates unknown to each other, the men of Emden and the von Plettenberg family make their way back to Germany.