Guadalcanal Odyssey (1975) Leslie Nielsen

Guadalcanal Odyssey is a unique motion picture - part exotic travelogue and part World War II history lesson, Leslie Nielsen takes us on a tour of the island of Guadalcanal in the Coral Sea, which was the site of one of the most brutal battles of World War 11. Nielsen takes us back to many of the actual battle sites and we see how time has healed the ravages of war, as well as what pieces of wreckage have survived the years. Through the use of rare archival film footage and photographs supplied by the United States Marines, extremely detailed descriptions of engagements fought during the Guadalcanal campaign are explored. In addition. Nielsen has an interview with a native of the island, Sgt. Major Jacob Vouza, honorary Marine and one of the foremost heroes of the Solomon Islands."

On the next part of the tour, Nielsen is joined by Dr. Starck and his crew of the ship, the El Torito, and together they explore the large reef which has been the end-of-the-line for more than a hundred ships over the years, Dr. Starck and his crew leave the safety of their ship and take us on a photographic tour of the wreckage — literally walking in the hulls of the sunken ships. Seen in grand detail are P-38 fighter planes, a Japanese Super-sub, and seven 1000 ton troupe transport ships - among these is the famed Kingigawa Mara. In addition, Walter Gibbins guides the crew to an area of the reef known for its magnificent seashells and many rare specimens of shell life are shown, including the Gloria Maris, the most valuable shell in existence.